Make Money Easy

8 Proven Ways Singaporeans Use To Earn Money Online

July 21, 2017

Earn Money Online Singapore

9 Proven Ways Singaporeans Use To Earn Money Online

Ever tried searching on Google with search terms like “how to make money online”? We bet all of us do at some point in our lives. Multiple income streams have always been a favourite topic among Singaporeans since it’s proven to make people extremely wealthy. But some ways are either very complicated or only feasible in certain countries. Well, here’s a list of what we found and tested to be working fine at least in Singapore. Some of these methods can earn you lots of money, while the rest give you small trickles of income AKA beer money.
Disclaimer: No affiliate links are present, and we make zero profit from any of these corporations. We genuinely want to spread awareness to some of this income streams but would greatly appreciate if you could give us a Facebook page like here.

1. Toluna

A survey site which you can access from all platforms. There’s an app for it here (iPhone) or here (Android). Toluna is a mini community-based platform with the key function on phone devices being public polls and random surveys. You earn in the form of points every time you complete a survey in which you can redeem attractive prizesranging from PayPal cash to Capitaland vouchers. Occasionally, polls also reward you with points. The interesting thing about this platform is that you can create surveys yourself too, kind of like a free tool for social experiments where you can obtain a small pool of results on what people think about a particular topic or product. Fast instant survey results for your polls without begging people to do it on Whatsapp.
Recommended for: Teenagers who want to earn additional S$20+ a month or for Adults whose primary objective is not to make money but to gain opinions and perspective from other people in this community. Do note that Toluna takes up to 3-4 weeks to process your rewards once redeemed.

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